So there is still enough time left before I leave that the whole 2 year adventure in Africa hasn't really become "real" to me yet. What is definitely making it more and more real are the number of painful, bruise-causing, wallet-emptying needles I have to endure. So far, I have been given an injections for typhoid, measle/mumps/rubella, meningitis, yellow fever and my 1st of 3 separate shots for rabies (at $170 each)! Luckily I already had the vaccinations for Hep A & B, as well as tetanus or I would really be bawling like a baby. This, of course, doesn't take into consideration the complete (and I mean COMPLETE) medical exam, the forced dental examination and following painful and expensive filling, and eye examination with double-vision, flashing-light causing drops, and months of malaria and pregnancy preventing pills I have yet to purchase. Did I mention I have to buy a motorcycle helmet because I will be riding on the back of a moto to get around most of the time? Well, at least all of these appointments are getting me out of the house and a few steps closer to my goal - And according to the eye doctor, my vision should return to normal in 8 short hours, so it's all good. Check out the funcky sunglasses they gave me to wear after my appointment - stylish!